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Isic Association (International Student Identity Card Association)
Nytorv 5, 1450 København K, CVR 26746760
Forening med begrænset ansvar
Primært resultat (EBIT)
Årets resultat
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Rang Årets resultat
Rang i branche
"Top 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Top 10%"
Bestyrelse top 3
Milos Milenkovic 1 | Bestyrelsesformand |
Michal Bucko 1 | Bestyrelsesmedlem |
Ulf Banser 1 | Bestyrelsesmedlem |
Foreningen tegnes af bestyrelsesformanden sammen med ét andet medlem af bestyrelsen eller af tre medlemmer af bestyrelsen.
Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR
Navn | Isic Association (International Student Identity Card Association) |
CVR | 26746760 |
Adresse | Nytorv 5, 1450 København K |
Branche | Andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n. [949900] |
Etableret | 23-08-2002 (22 år) |
Første regnskabsperiode | 01-11-2001 til 31-10-2002 |
Virksomhedsform | Forening med begrænset ansvar |
Antal ansatte | - |
Reklamebeskyttelse | Nej |
Revisor | Pricewaterhousecoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab siden 01-07-2011 |
Regnskabsperiode | 01-01 til 31-12 |
Vedtægter seneste | 11-05-2022 |
Medlem af brancherne
- Andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n. [949900]NACE6 indeholdende 93.549 virk.
- Andre organisationer og foreninger [949]NACE3 indeholdende 96.675 virk.
- Organisationer og foreninger [94]NACE2 indeholdende 99.255 virk.
- Andre serviceydelser [S]NACE1 indeholdende 121.885 virk.
Foreningens formål er at gøre ISIC til et must-have for studerende i hele verden. Formålet vil blive opfyldt ved at fremme adgangsmulighederne til uddannelse, facilitere til et bedre studieliv, fremme den interkulturelle forståelse og studieudveksling samt styrke relationer mellem studerende med forskellige nationalitet samt øge samarbejdet med uddannelsesinstitution på tværs af kloden. Betydningen af must-have kan skræddersyes på tværs af lande til at omfatte et eller flere forslag til merværdi ved medlemsskab ID, adgangsnøgler eller (digital) platform. Hjørnestenen i realiseringen af denne mission og formålene er i videst muligt omfang at udbrede kendskabet til ISIC Studentkortet (ISIC-kortet) samt anerkendelse af kortet som primær legitimation inden for internationale studiekort. Med ISIC-kortet opnår kortholderne adgang til forskellige rabatter på produkter, ydelser og spændende oplevelser i forbindelse med deres studietid.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | |
Valuta/enhed | 000' DKK | 000' DKK | 000' DKK |
Omsætning | - - | - - | 6.338 -21% |
Bruttofortjeneste | 2.451.413 +36% | 1.798.451 +368.927% | 487 -85% |
Årets resultat | 1.157.129 - | -33.502 - | -1.615 - |
Egenkapital | 16.890.819 +7% | 15.733.690 +99.688% | 15.767 -9% |
Balance | 17.425.473 +7% | 16.349.338 +99.877% | 16.353 -28% |
Ledelsesberetning sammendrag
The Association's principal activitiesThe Association's principal activities consist in to make the ISIC card a must-have for students all over the world. The object will be met by increasing educational opportunities, facilitating a better student life, improving intercultural understanding and student exchange as well as by strengthening student relations across nationalities and increasing cooperation between educational institutions across the globe. The implication of must-have may be tailored across countries to comprise one or more propositions adding value to the ID membership, access keys or (digital) platforms. The cornerstone to realizing this mission and the objectives is, to the widest extent possible, to promote the knowledge of the ISIC card and the recognition of the card as the primarily accepted international student identity card. The ISIC card provides the holder with access to many different benefits, discounts and exciting experiences while studying.
Development in the activities and the financial situation of the Association
The association's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 shows a result of EUR 155.082 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2023 a balance sheet total of EUR 2.335.416 and an equity of EUR 2.263.760.
Material changes in the association's operations and financial matters
There are no significant material changes in the Association's operations and financial matters.
Beskrivelse af virksomhedens væsentligste aktiviteter
The Association's principal activitiesThe Association's principal activities consist in to make the ISIC card a must-have for students all over the world. The object will be met by increasing educational opportunities, facilitating a better student life, improving intercultural understanding and student exchange as well as by strengthening student relations across nationalities and increasing cooperation between educational institutions across the globe. The implication of must-have may be tailored across countries to comprise one or more propositions adding value to the ID membership, access keys or (digital) platforms. The cornerstone to realizing this mission and the objectives is, to the widest extent possible, to promote the knowledge of the ISIC card and the recognition of the card as the primarily accepted international student identity card. The ISIC card provides the holder with access to many different benefits, discounts and exciting experiences while studying.
Beskrivelse af udviklingen i virksomhedens aktiviteter og økonomiske forhold
Development in the activities and the financial situation of the AssociationThe association's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 shows a result of EUR 155.082 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2023 a balance sheet total of EUR 2.335.416 and an equity of EUR 2.263.760.
, The association's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 shows a result of EUR 155.082 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2023 a balance sheet total of EUR 2.335.416 and an equity of EUR 2.263.760.
Generalforsamlingsdato: 21-06-2024