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Crh Concrete A/S
Vestergade 25, Dåstrup, 4130 Viby Sjælland, CVR 21474878
Primært resultat (EBIT)
Årets resultat
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Rang Årets resultat
Rang i branche
"Top 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Top 10%"
Direktion top 3
Claus Bering 13 | CEO |
Bestyrelse top 3
Hendrik Christiaan Nolte 2 | Bestyrelsesformand |
Claus Bering 13 | Bestyrelsesmedlem |
Kim Holmesland Lorenzen 1 | Bestyrelsesmedlem |
Legale ejere top 3
100% | Crh Denmark A/S | DK |
Selskabet tegnes af den administrerende direktør sammen med formanden, den administrerende direktør sammen med 2 bestyrelsesmedlemmer eller af den samlede bestyrelse.
Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR
Navn | Crh Concrete A/S |
Binavne | A/S Fiboment, 5471 Søndersø, A/S Fiboment, 6650 Brørup, A/S Fiboment, 6920 Videbæk, A/S Fiboment, Linå, 8600 Silkeborg, Aktieselskabet Betongården I Esbjerg, Betonelement A/S, Confac A/S, Confac Holding A/S, Dalcon A/S, Dalcon Holding A/S, Dalton A/S, Dalton Betonelementer A/S, Eds-Beton A/S, Eds-Beton Entreprise A/S, Eds-Beton Holding A/S, Elementbeton A/S, Expan A/S, Expan Byggesystem A/S, Fiboment A/S, Fiboment A/S, 8240 Risskov, Frederiksdal A/S, Gh Bad A/S, Gh Element A/S, Gh Element Mogenstrup A/S, Gh Materiel A/S, Guldborgsund Elementfabrik A/S, Henriksen og Henriksen Expan A/S Vis mere |
CVR | 21474878 |
Adresse | Vestergade 25, Dåstrup, 4130 Viby Sjælland |
Branche | Fremstilling af byggematerialer af beton [236100] |
Etableret | 01-01-1999 (25 år) |
Første regnskabsperiode | 01-01-1999 til 31-12-1999 |
Virksomhedsform | Aktieselskab |
Antal ansatte | 1.294 (årsværk:1.205) |
Reklamebeskyttelse | Nej |
Revisor | Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab siden 24-06-2020 |
Regnskabsperiode | 01-01 til 31-12 |
Selskabskapital | 76.000.000 DKK 75.000.000 DKK (11-11-2009 - 20-06-2024) 39.370.000 DKK (12-03-2004 - 10-11-2009) 60.200.000 DKK (20-12-2002 - 11-03-2004) 60.000.000 DKK (27-09-2000 - 19-12-2002) 30.000.000 DKK (22-09-2000 - 26-09-2000) |
Vedtægter seneste | 21-06-2024 |
Medlem af brancherne
- Fremstilling af byggematerialer af beton [236100]NACE6 indeholdende 101 virk.
- Fremstilling af produkter af beton, cement og gips [236]NACE3 indeholdende 179 virk.
- Fremstilling af andre ikke-metalholdige mineralske produkter [23]NACE2 indeholdende 1.121 virk.
- Fremstillingsvirksomhed [C]NACE1 indeholdende 26.217 virk.
Selskabets formål er produktion og salg af byggevarer samt hermed beslægtet virksomhed.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | |
Valuta/enhed | 000' DKK | 000' DKK | 000' DKK |
Omsætning | 1.938.493 -5% | 2.035.137 +12% | 1.817.884 +5% |
Bruttofortjeneste | 312.755 +23% | 253.341 +5% | 241.045 -26% |
Årets resultat | 151.100 +40% | 107.841 -10% | 120.270 -37% |
Egenkapital | 749.642 +25% | 598.541 +1% | 590.700 -5% |
Balance | 1.630.683 +6% | 1.537.914 +2% | 1.512.991 +4% |
Ledelsesberetning sammendrag
Beskrivelse af virksomhedens væsentligste aktiviteter
Primary activitiesCRH Concrete A/S´objective is to be a relevant and competent business partner througout the entire construction cycle - from the first planning phase and right on to the building site.
Our strategy is to be the leading supplier offering sustainable solutions throug design, focusing on the right solution for each project and all related services.
Thanks to our sound financial basis and competent employees, who sees all projects through until completion, we are strongly positioned in the market for delivering the most competitive solutions.
CRH Concrete A/S covers today the well known brands in the market BETONELEMENT, EXPAN, DALTON, MODULBAD and CRH MONTAGE.
CRH Concrete A/S supplies concrete elements and installation, designing and other services in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The Company has 1,166 employees working in 9 factories in Denmark.
CRH Concrete A/S has production facilities in Varde, Linå, Tilst, Hobro, Viby Sjælland, Ringsted, Søndersø, Borup og Brørup.
We deliver a complete range of structural concrete precast elements - from every type of pre stressed products through wall panels, facades, columns and beams to the complete strucyure of industrial, domicile and residential solutions - including multi storage car parks, arenas, concrete bridge beams. CRH Concrete A/S is owned by CRH plc., one of the world´s largest building materials groups employing around 78,500 employees at 3,390 operation locations in 29 countries. CRH plc. is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland and is listen on the New York Stock Exchange.
We as the Company and its subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements of CRH plc. consolidated financial statements have not been prepared.
CRH Concrete A/S is the largest supplier of concrete precast elements in the Danish market and strengthened its leading market position even further in 2023 by offering the largest and broadest range of building solutions in the market.
Beskrivelse af udviklingen i virksomhedens aktiviteter og økonomiske forhold
Development in activities and financial affairsCRH Concrete A/S generated revenue of DKK 1,938 million in 2023 against DKK 2,035 million in 2022 - a decrease of 4.8%
The pre-tax profit was DKK 191.6 million (DKK 140.6 million), and the profit after tax was DKK 151,1 million (DKK 107.8 million), which is higher than the forecast stated in the 2022 annual report. The result are considered satisfactory given the challenges of the war in Ukraine and the increased prices of energy, cement and steel parts ect.
Equity before appropriation of profits amounts to DKK 749,6 million (DKK 598.5 million), corresponding to an equity ratio of 46,0% (38.9%).
The profit is proposed transferred to the free reserves. The return on equity amounts to 22,4% (18,1%).
In 2023, CRH Concrete A/S delivered structual concrete elements to approximately 350 different projects - larges as well as small.
In 2023, we supplied concrete elements for the following major projects:
Residential construction, Copenhagen K
Warehouse, Horsens
Residential construction, Glostrup
Residential construction, Hedehusene
Residential construction, Valby
Residential construction, Ishøj
Commercial construction, Hillerød
Residential construction, Slagelse
Logistics center, Lynge
Logistics center, Aarup
Through our strong focus on innovation and new products, we contribute to the ongoing industrialisation of the Danish conctruction industy.
Omtale af betydningsfulde hændelser, som er indtruffet efter regnskabsårets afslutning
Subsequent eventsNo important events have occurred after the end of the financial year.
Beskrivelse af virksomhedens forventede udvikling
OutlookConsidering the war in Ukraine it is not possible to assess how important it will be for the result for 2024, which, however, is estimated to be in line with 2023 result as a minimum.
Generalforsamlingsdato: 21-06-2024