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Dcc Energi Mobility A/S
Nærum Hovedgade 8, 2850 Nærum, CVR 36563028
Primært resultat (EBIT)
Årets resultat
Reklamebeskyttet virksomhed
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Rang Årets resultat
Rang i branche
"Top 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Top 10%"
Direktion top 3
Bestyrelse top 3
Andrew Russell Graham 1 | Bestyrelsesformand |
Christian Frederik Heise 7 | Bestyrelsesmedlem |
Daniel Hedegaard Andersen 11 | Bestyrelsesmedlem |
Legale ejere top 3
100% | Dcc Holding Denmark A/S | DK |
Selskabet tegnes af den samlede bestyrelse eller af tre bestyrelsesmedlemmer i forening.
Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR
Navn | Dcc Energi Mobility A/S |
Binavne | Dansk Fuels A/S, Dcc Energi Retail A/S Vis mere |
CVR | 36563028 |
Adresse | Nærum Hovedgade 8, 2850 Nærum |
Branche | Engroshandel med fast, flydende og luftformigt brændstof og lignende varer [468100] |
Etableret | 12-03-2015 (9 år) |
Første regnskabsperiode | 12-03-2015 til 31-12-2015 |
Virksomhedsform | Aktieselskab |
Antal ansatte | 2 (årsværk:2) |
Reklamebeskyttelse | Ja |
Revisor | Kpmg P/S siden 31-08-2017 |
Regnskabsperiode | 01-04 til 31-03 |
Bankforbindelse | Danske Bank |
Selskabskapital | 150.000.000 DKK 186.512.500 DKK (01-05-2016 - 27-10-2016) 500.000 DKK (12-03-2015 - 30-04-2016) |
Vedtægter seneste | 24-11-2022 |
Medlem af brancherne
- Engroshandel med fast, flydende og luftformigt brændstof og lignende varer [468100]NACE6 indeholdende 299 virk.
- Anden specialiseret engroshandel [468]NACE3 indeholdende 3.933 virk.
- Engroshandel [46]NACE2 indeholdende 25.396 virk.
- Engroshandel og detailhandel [G]NACE1 indeholdende 66.104 virk.
Selskabets formål er at drive handels- og transportvirksomhed med råolie og produkter fremstillet heraf, kemikalier samt andre varer, som det af bestyrelsen skønnes hensigtsmæssigt at inddrage under selskabets virksomhed. Endvidere kan selskabet finansiere eller administrere andre handels- og transportvirksomheder eller fabrikationsvirksomheder eller tegne eller erhverve aktier i sådanne virksomheder.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | |
Valuta/enhed | 000' DKK | 000' DKK | 000' DKK |
Omsætning | 5.026.809 -47% | 9.487.883 +32% | 7.202.149 +51% |
Bruttofortjeneste | 190.100 -12% | 216.429 -16% | 258.364 +25% |
Årets resultat | 122.307 -11% | 137.549 -21% | 174.465 +33% |
Egenkapital | 559.549 -2% | 572.243 -5% | 604.694 +10% |
Balance | 1.809.495 +5% | 1.728.844 -20% | 2.165.605 +46% |
Ledelsesberetning sammendrag
Beskrivelse af virksomhedens væsentligste aktiviteter
Business reviewDCC Energi Mobility A/S sells and distributes mobility products and services including fuels, carwash, payment services, electric Mobility solutions and operate a network of 195 retail petrol stations. The Company has built on its strong position in premium fuels and payment cards to serve its customers through innovative solutions.
The Company continuously strives to contribute to effective distribution of energy to its customers in Denmark.
Beskrivelse af usikkerhed ved indregning eller måling
Recognition and measurement uncertaintiesThe recognition and measurement of items in the annual report is not associated with any uncertainty.
In preparing financial statements, certain provisions in the standards require management’s judgments, including various accounting estimates and assumptions. Such judgments are considered important to understand the accounting policies and the Company’s compliance with the standards.
Determining the carrying amount of some assets and liabilities requires judgments, estimates and assumptions concerning future events that are based on historical experience and other factors, which by their very nature are associated with uncertainty and unpredictability.
These assumptions may prove incomplete or incorrect, and unexpected events or circumstances may arise. The Company is also subject to risks and uncertainties which may lead actual results to differ from these estimates. Specific risks for the Company are discussed in the relevant section of the Management’s review and in the notes to the financial statements.
The areas involving a high degree of judgment and estimation that are significant to the financial statements are described in more detail in the related sections.
Beskrivelse af usædvanlige forhold, der kan have påvirket indregningen eller målingen
Unusual mattersThe Company's financial position at 31 March 2024 and the results of its operations for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 are not affected by any unusual matters.
Beskrivelse af udviklingen i virksomhedens aktiviteter og økonomiske forhold
Financial reviewThe Company’s income statement for the year ended 31 March 2024 shows a profit of DKK'000 122,307, and the balance sheet at 31 March 2024 shows equity of DKK'000 694,549.
Net profit achieved at DKK'000 122,307 is a decrease compared to 2022/23.
As expected, the activity level for 2023/24 was lower than last year, which is a consequence of the termination of the agreement behind the Shell 7-Eleven petrol stations. Costs decreased accordingly, why the result for the year is only slightly below last year and considered satisfactory.
The Company’s total working capital is strong and with a limited level for losses on client engagements. This is due to the Company’s strong focus on credit management and effective measures to avoid bad debts.
As a consequence of the above, the Company’s liquidity and financial position were strong at the end of the year.
Omtale af betydningsfulde hændelser, som er indtruffet efter regnskabsårets afslutning
Significant events occurring after the end of the financial yearNo events have occurred after the balance sheet date which could significantly affect the Company's financial position.
Generalforsamlingsdato: 30-09-2024