364 MDKK
213 MDKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
Årets resultat
122 MDKK
165 MDKK

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Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Top 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Top 10%"

Direktion top 3

Bestyrelse top 3

Prasant Reddy Gondipalli 3Bestyrelsesformand
Lucie Hannah Stone 3Bestyrelsesmedlem

Legale ejere top 3


Selskabet tegnes af bestyrelsens formand eller af den samlede bestyrelse.

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnFalcon.Io Aps
BinavneFalcon Social Aps, Komfo Aps, Komfo Danmark Aps Vis mere
AdresseH.C. Andersens Boulevard 27, 1, 1553 København V
BrancheKonsulentbistand vedrørende informationsteknologi og forvaltning af it-faciliteter [622000]
Etableret08-12-2010 (14 år)
Første regnskabsperiode08-12-2010 til 31-12-2011
Antal ansatte159 (årsværk:153)
RevisorPricewaterhousecoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab siden 10-07-2019
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital33.173 EUR
30.535 DKK (30-06-2017 - 02-01-2019)
28.665 DKK (31-01-2017 - 29-06-2017)
27.730 DKK (11-01-2016 - 30-01-2017)
25.860 DKK (09-09-2015 - 10-01-2016)
26.041 DKK (13-03-2015 - 08-09-2015)
Vedtægter seneste21-06-2020


Selskabets formål er at drive virksomhed med udvikling, kommercialisering og salg/licensiering af innovative softwareløsninger samt hermed beslægtet virksomhed.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat

Ledelsesberetning sammendrag

Key activities
The Company offers an integrated SaaS platform for social media listening, engaging, publishing, measuring
and managing customer data. The Company enables its client to explore the full potential of digital marketing
by managing multiple customer touchpoints from one platform.
Development in the activities and the financial situation of the Company
The revenue amounts to TDKK 364,187 against TDKK 314,578 last year. The ordinary result after tax amount to TDKK 122,220 compared to negative TDKK 53,889 last year. The Company's Balance Sheet at 31 December 2023 shows a balance sheet total of TDKK 651.180 and an equity of TDKK 164.842.
With the Company being part of Cision, it is ensured that sufficient capital is available to fund the company's organic growth and operations through FY 2024 and beyond. We refer to the note 1 for further information.
Operating risks
The Company provides its services within a SaaS-based platform, several risks must be mitigated including
platform security, platform availability, data protection and privacy concerns, amongst others. ApS
realizes the importance of mitigating these risks and does so through a combination of a) utilizing the hosting infrastructure of Amazon Web Services, Inc. b) implementing strict physical, logical and data access
controls, c) publishing and adhering to our company privacy policy and d) adhering to the requirements of
the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which introduces new obligations for companies
processing the personal data of EU citizens.
Foreign exchange risks
Due to sales activity in foreign markets, cash flow and equity are influenced by fluctuations in exchange rates
for a number of currencies. The Company does not hedge its exchange rate risk, as Management has deemed the
risk to be immaterial to its financial statements.
Knowledge resources
The Company offers an integrated SaaS platform, for which our employees, and their skills and knowledge,
are vital for the business. Hence attracting, recruiting, developing, and engaging employees is of the highest
importance, and a variety of initiatives are driven to promote an inclusive culture, continuous skills and
career development and thereby accelerate engagement and innovation.
The Company's employees are its most valuable assets. The Company continually takes steps to recognise and
reward employees, while prioritising their wellbeing and career development. As a SaaS business the
Company has a low carbon footprint. It continues to take action to reduce and mitigate any environmental
The Group acknowledges that diversity and equality is critical to its ongoing success and is committed to creating an environment where it embraces differences and empowers employees to contribute their best work by being their authentic selves. The Group is an equal opportunities employer and continues to give full and fair consideration to applications for employment by disabled persons, bearing in mind their aptitudes and abilities. In the event of an employee becoming disabled while working for the Group, all efforts are made to enable that employee to continue, where practicable, in their current role.
Disabled employees
The Group is an equal opportunities employer and gives disabled persons the same consideration as other individuals. Applications for employment by disabled persons are always fully considered bearing in mind the aptitudes of the applicant concerned. In the event of members or staff becoming disabled every effort is made to ensure that their employment with the Group continues and that appropriate training is arranged. It is the policy of the Group that the training, career development and promotion of disabled persons should, as far as possible, be identical to that of other employees.
Statutory reporting on corporate social responsibility
The Group takes ownership in operating a business that is environmentally sustainable and socially conscious. As we interact with our clients, associates, and communities, we are committed to a diligent and inclusive approach in all we do through our actions, behaviours, and communication.
We recognise our responsibility to contribute to the broader society and the environment, and we are committed to operating with and promoting sustainable business practices.
Human rights and corruption
The Group is committed to:
1) Honest and ethical conduct
2) Putting forth full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosures
3) Promoting compliance with applicable laws
4) Protecting company assets
5) Promoting fair dealings
6) Deterring wrongdoing
7) Ensuring accountability for adherence to the Group's Code of Ethics (publicly available online)
The Group has policies in place to prevent corruption, fraud and bribery.
The Group publishes its Modern Slavery Statement each year on our website, reinforcing our zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking in our business operations and supply chains.
As a technology company, our suppliers are concentrated in areas such as coding, software development, marketing, research and analysis, consulting, internet and cloud service providers and other SaaS companies. The Company does not handle raw materials or commodities or use products from fields where there is a high danger of human trafficking or modern slavery in their procurement.
The Group expects all of its suppliers to comply with the law, act ethically and respect its values of honouring human rights, protecting the natural environment and embracing differences. New suppliers are reviewed by the Group's Legal and Finance teams and are expected to follow its Supplier Code of Conduct. Failure to do so can result in termination of any collaboration.
Our recruitment and employment procedures include appropriate pre-employment screening of all employees, such as right to work checks and reference checks. New employees also receive an induction and new hire training which explains Group policies. All new employees are required to acknowledge the Code of Ethics.
The Learning Team run annual training for the entire Group covering bribery, global compliance and anti-corruption.
The Group has a whistle blowing service which is available to everyone and allows individuals to report anonymously. No whistleblowing incidents were reported in the period. The full whistleblowing policy is available at the Company's website.
Impact on the external environment
As a Group, we continue to examine the factors that cause our carbon emissions, improve our ability to collect accurate emissions data and look for opportunities to make changes which can have an impact.
The Group monitors and actively reduces energy consumption and carbon emissions, such as reducing business travel, reducing frequency of commuting to the office, electricity usage, heating and air conditioning consumption in the office.
Management reviews climate-related risks and opportunities, and implements climate-related strategies and reports to the directors. Internal groups such as “Embark” help to nurture environmental change at Cision and beyond. This Employee Research Group enables us to become a leader in environmental policy, best practices and employee engagement in the environmental and sustainability space.
The Group's aim is to reduce these carbon emissions over time and it is committed to reducing any negative environmental impact it has.
Statutory report on the underrepresented gender
In 2023 there is an equal distribution across the Board of Directors with one female and one male.
Executive Leadership is considered to be Senior Vice President Level (SVP) and above. At this level, the Company make up is 66.67% male and 33.33% female.
The Group is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and fosters a culture where all employees can thrive and be their authentic selves. Females can join the network ”Empower” at the Group, which advocates for women's leadership, diversity and equity through career development, networking, speaking events and growth opportunities.
Data Ethics
That the data and insights we provide is accurate, authentic, and produced in the right ways is not just crucial for the business, it is important for communities and for us all.
As part of a global organisation, the Company is required to comply with the data regulations of many jurisdictions.
The Group has a data protection officer (DPO) responsible for data privacy compliance. The ongoing monitoring of changes in the many global privacy laws that apply to the Group is undertaken by the DPO. Privacy compliance has been distributed throughout the company, appointing privacy champions on its engineering, product, and people teams. These individuals are tasked with raising privacy awareness and incorporating data protection by design and by default when developing services for the Group.
The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought data ethics to the forefront of the Company's discussions.
The Group has committed to adhering to five guiding principles. These are:
1. Privacy, Security and Integrity
2. Transparency and Explainability
3. Fairness and human decision making
4. Accountability and Governance
5. Contestability and Redress
These principles are owned by the AI Ethics Committee. They are responsible for overseeing the implementation and adherence to the principles, as well as providing guidance on ethical considerations throughout any AI development and deployment process.
The Group is committed to providing appropriate training and resources to its employees, contractors and partners to foster understanding of its AI ethics commitments and promote responsible AI development and use.
The Group will actively engage with its stakeholders as well as industry bodies and competitors to solicit feedback, address concerns, and continue to foster collaboration on ethical AI development and use.
Uncertainty relating to recognition and measurement
Recognition and measurement in the Annual Report have not been subject to any uncertainty.
Unusual events
The financial position at 31 December 2023 of the Company and the results of the activities of the Company
for the financial year for 2023 have not been affected by any unusual events.
Subsequent events
After the end of the financial year, no events have occurred which may change the financial position of the entity substantially.
Beskrivelse af virksomhedens væsentligste aktiviteter
Key activities
The Company offers an integrated SaaS platform for social media listening, engaging, publishing, measuring
and managing customer data. The Company enables its client to explore the full potential of digital marketing
by managing multiple customer touchpoints from one platform.
Beskrivelse af usikkerhed ved indregning eller måling
Uncertainty relating to recognition and measurement
Recognition and measurement in the Annual Report have not been subject to any uncertainty.
Beskrivelse af usædvanlige forhold, der kan have påvirket indregningen eller målingen
Unusual events
The financial position at 31 December 2023 of the Company and the results of the activities of the Company
for the financial year for 2023 have not been affected by any unusual events.
Beskrivelse af udviklingen i virksomhedens aktiviteter og økonomiske forhold
The revenue amounts to TDKK 364,187 against TDKK 314,578 last year. The ordinary result after tax amount to TDKK 122,220 compared to negative TDKK 53,889 last year. The Company's Balance Sheet at 31 December 2023 shows a balance sheet total of TDKK 651.180 and an equity of TDKK 164.842.
With the Company being part of Cision, it is ensured that sufficient capital is available to fund the company's organic growth and operations through FY 2024 and beyond. We refer to the note 1 for further information.
, Development in the activities and the financial situation of the Company
The revenue amounts to TDKK 364,187 against TDKK 314,578 last year. The ordinary result after tax amount to TDKK 122,220 compared to negative TDKK 53,889 last year. The Company's Balance Sheet at 31 December 2023 shows a balance sheet total of TDKK 651.180 and an equity of TDKK 164.842.
With the Company being part of Cision, it is ensured that sufficient capital is available to fund the company's organic growth and operations through FY 2024 and beyond. We refer to the note 1 for further information.
Generalforsamlingsdato: 19-07-2024
